Monday, February 1, 2010

Diet and yoga

Some people are under the impression that yoga is all about diet and the first thing they ask is 'so, are you a vegetarian?/ do i have to be vegetarian?'. the answer is yes and no. i'll leave that for another entry.
when i was in mysore recently, i picked up a book titled 'don't lose your mind, lose your weight' written by a really spunky person i met some 3 years ago in rishikesh. she is now so uber famous in india. i use the word 'uber' because a.kareena kapoor wrote foreword for her book, and b. rujuta, the author, has list of famous clients. i'm on the 3rd chapter of her famous book and am now convinced that she has figured it all out, as far as diet is concerned. she outlined 'calm state of mind' as one of utmost important thing when eating. in yoga, we strive to achieve calm state of mind with all the asanas, pranayamas and meditation that we religiously practise (or not) daily and we gush when others (non yogis) commented how calm we are when we engage ourselves in conversation and in dealing with daily tasks in general. we politely tell these 'uninitiated' people it's all due to yoga that we've been at last few years. so technically, being a yogi, i had achieved the no.1 rule of eating due to my calm state, well, most times. then, we move on to the next rule 'how to eat: relearn'. now, most of us would be offended when told that we've been eating wrongly all these while but hey, i didn't say this but she did, and i agree with her, as someone used to say to me, 100%. my favorite part is on overeating and bloatness because that i get that a lot. yes, being a yogi doesn't make us immortals and we do get problems like other mortals do. back to the rules, basically, the power of calm state of mind will easily be taken over when one is ignorant or pure blatant disregard about sensitivity of stomach which is why she outlined on 'what to eat: rethink'. in this chapter, she explained in details about carbs, protein, fats and other important things that our body requires on daily basis for it to optimise and most importantly, for me, to have fat loss. why i used the word 'fat loss'? you have to read the book to understand because until you read the book, what i just mentioned may seemed greek to you.
why do i take such interested in this book, one may ask? well, there are few reasons. 1. i met her before and think that she's kinda cool worked well on kareena 3.her recommendations and examples are more closer to home, malaysia, that is, since i eat significant amount of indian food, and malay food can be as nasty (or not) in terms of its oilyness (is there such word?!nevermind). i've also attached here the cover of the book for your next visit to the bookstore. good things must be shared, same goes for good book. the book might changed your life, quoted by kareena, or it might not or you decided not to buy it at all. i like to use quotes from swami vivekananda "take one idea. make that one idea your life. think of it,dream of it. live on that idea...."

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