Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All about good vibrations...

during my training in mysore, the teacher, master barath, kept mentioning about how important it is to keep the high energy in class. although this isn't always the case at times but as teachers , we have to be aware of this and try to manage the situation. having said that, managing a difficult situation i.e. difficult student, can be rather challenging definitely not for the faint-hearted because our whole being is being challenged and not just our teaching. if there's anything to gain with yoga is that the practice teaches you to have more calm attitude toward 'challenging' circumstances. i watched how he managed to bring the class energy back together after some tough times no thanks to certain individuals. then again, that's life...there'll be some who love you and some who don't. our job is to be honest about our teaching and hope the students will gain something much more than good stretches when they leave the room.

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