Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tired of the Yogi thing

Over lunch today Min and I decided that the yogini tag ties this blog too closely with just yoga, we meant this to be a blog for friends to get together and share,vent, preen and rant.

I just googled warrior goddesses and came up with Athena, Ancient Greek warrior goddess , any other suggestions for name changes are welcome.

So now please feel free to talk about all issues related to women- food, love, fashion. sex, Jude Law,books, movies, pole dancing, cupcakes whatever.

Oh yeah you can talk about yoga too.

And then I went and googled Mistress Athena and ... ah well, so the name is probably temporary...


Unknown said...

well done, verity. mistress athena sounds nicer and a bit more edgy. i like it. at the same time, we should get feedback from others too. any other names people??
cupcakes and jude law are 2 of my favorite topics. yummy....

Honey Ahmad said...

Okay... as long as they don't see this as a porn site- sounds like a name for a dominatrix, a rather stern one (ha ha) but then it might get us more page views.

But you know why the hell not? You sure you want to give me free rein?

Verity said...

yeah the dominatrix part did come to mind after a while (I'm a little slow)but like you said what the hell... Yeah go ahead after7 let yourself go.

jetsetqueen said...

It's all about well branding and peculiar names is good! :)

Cmon ppl...come to Yoga on Sat morning...I don't want to be tortured alone by minahyoga...LOL! he!he!

Unknown said...

really sorry la, jetsetqueen. i get excited during classes that i kinda go a bit much. i hope to get more people to join us soon. sorry dear...